Social Commerce Smart Assistant

AI Chatbot for you business -
Unified across all social channels

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SCSA is an automated smart assistant that works tirelessly for your business

24 X 7

On all social & business chat platforms

Increasing customer engagement and generating leads

Selling your products and services

Caring for your customers

Driving growth

Saving costs

Watch videos of SCSA and see it in action

What can Social Commerce Smart Assistant - do for your business?

Are you able to automate and yet hyper personalize customer conversations on social chat channels?

Social Commerce Smart Assistant - A chatbot that turbo charges your business on all social channels!

Let smart assistants work 24/7 while you dream up your business plans.

What else is in your mind?

YES! Believe it or not our Social Channel Smart Assistant (SCSA) can help you in a big way.

The future is now! AI chatbot trends suggest that 47% of companies are expected to use chatbots for customer service. Are you ready to join the AI chatbots bandwagon?

If yes, then your destination is NCRTS AI chatbots. Our best AI chatbots can make your business vision a reality.

Which avatar of SCSA works best for you?

Lead Magnet
Capture customer intents beyond basic info

Purchasing Assistant
Guide a customer like a purchasing companion

Customer care assistant
Follow up sales and services with care

Which channels are we talking about?

Google Business Messages




SMS / Text messaging

Google Assistant


Your own website as well

Why SCSA is a standout &
a must have for your business

Truly omni channel
One product running on all emerging business channels
New channels added continuously

Pre-Developed solution
Customized for your business (not just a bunch of tools and technology and do it on your own).

Infinitely elastic
Can handle any number of customer interactions concurrently.

With SCSA Automation and Humans coexist
Automatic switching to human agent if needed, even though SCSA is fully automated.
A single window to monitor and manage all your customer interactions across all social chat platforms.

Conversational intelligence captured for marketing campaign and targeting.

Stop promoting with your eyes closed

Derive intelligence from customer conversations

Precision targeting based on personalized recommendations.


Ready to Run AI chatbot






Happy Clients

Cut Costs, Save Time & Ease Support

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