Bring your showroom Live with Assisted Live Selling

Revolutionize online sales with the new way to sell - a one to many Shopping experience.
Our Live Shopping Platform empowers you to sell, educate, engage, and entertain simultaneously.

Banner image on people interacting with ecommerce chatbot

Time to unleash the power of LIVE SHOPPING!

Elevate your brand with immersive one-to-many live shopping events, seamlessly shared through e-commerce and social media.

Ignite customer engagement as real-time comments and likes create a dynamic experience.

Discover products instantly and unlock revenue by enabling direct shopping from the captivating livestream.

Amplify your online presence and your sales strategy with the ultimate live shopping experience!"

Challenges in traditional live streaming solutions

  • Livestreams on only one platform. However your customers are on many social platforms, websites etc.

  • More fun than real selling. Too many distractions via emojis and generic comments.

  • Success is heavily dependent on the performance of the Live streaming Host.

  • Viewers have to follow Livehost and cannot shop on their own while viewing the host.

Unlocking Success
Mastering the Art of Conversations

What is unique about Assisted Live Selling

Why Livestream Shopping is a Must for Brands and ecommerce shops

Unlocking Long-Term Effectiveness
Unlock the Power of Voice

Why Shoppers love Live Shopping

Step into the future of retail where shoppers crave more than just products. With Live Selling, we curate an extraordinary retail experience that brings the "in-store" feel to online shopping. Are you ready to captivate your buyers and revolutionize their shopping journey? Join us on the forefront of the retail revolution with Live Selling today!

Integrations to ecommerce platforms

Shopify Store / e-commerce platform
Woocommerce Store / e-commerce platform

How to get started with Assisted Live Streaming

Check out Assisted Live streaming Videos

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Select usage model: Subscription mode or Independent Usage mode

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